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How to Choose the Injection Mold Machines?

How to Choose the Injection Mold Machines? May. 09, 2024

How to Choose the Right Injection Mold Machine -


Injection molding is a widely-used manufacturing process in the plastics industry. To ensure optimal production efficiency, product quality, and cost efficiency when selecting a plastic injection molding machine, we will cover key factors to consider when making this choice. Furthermore, we’ll answer common questions such as “How do I know what size injection molding machine I need?” or “What are the three basic types of injection molding machines?” with keywords like “injection molding machine,” “plastic injection molding,” and more to get you on your way.

What to Consider When Selecting an Injection Mold Machine

A. Dimension of the Machine

The size of plastic injection molding machine plays a significant role in determining production efficiency and product quality. Here are some factors to take into account when deciding on the ideal machine size:

Product Requirements: The size, weight, and complexity of a product dictate its optimal machine size. Generally speaking, larger items require larger machines.

Mold Size: The size of a mold used for injection molding determines the machine required. Larger molds necessitate larger machines.

Shot Size: The amount of plastic material required for each shot of injection molding determines the machine size. Larger shots necessitate larger machines.

Clamping Force: The clamping force required to hold a mold closed during injection molding determines its size. A stronger clamping unit requires larger machines.

To calculate the required machine tonnage and injection volume, consider the following:

Tonnage: Calculate the tonnage required by multiplying the projected area of the part being molded by the pressure required to inject the plastic material into the mold. This calculation determines the force needed to hold the mold closed during the injection.

Injection volume: Calculate the injection volume by multiplying the part volume by a factor of 1.5 to account for material shrinkage during the molding process.

Overall, choosing the right machine size is critical to ensure efficient and effective injection molding production

B. Type of Injection Molding Machine

1. An overview of various injection molding machine available on the market today

Injection molding machines come in three basic varieties: hydraulic, electric, and hybrid. Each has its advantages and drawbacks; ultimately, which type best meets your production requirements depends on what works best for you.

Hydraulic injection molding machine are the oldest and most widely used type of machine. Their high clamping force makes them perfect for producing large parts, though they use more energy and have slower injection speeds compared to electric machines.

Electric injection molding machines have become more and more popular due to their energy efficiency and faster injection speeds. Furthermore, these machines provide precise control of the injection process which ultimately results in higher product quality. On the downside, electric machines have lower clamping forces compared to hydraulic ones, making them better suited for smaller parts.

Hybrid injection molding machine bring together the benefits of both hydraulic and electric machines, offering faster injection speeds with greater energy efficiency compared to hydraulic machines while having greater clamping force compared to electric ones. Unfortunately, they tend to be pricier than either type of machine.

When selecting the type of machine to use, take into account factors like production efficiency, energy consumption, and product quality. Electric machines may be cost-effective in the long run due to their lower energy usage but may not be suitable for large parts requiring high clamping force. Ultimately, selecting the correct type of machine depends on your specific production needs.

C. Injection Molding Process Parameters

When selecting an injection mold machine, parameters like injection pressure, speed, and screw diameter When selecting an injection mold machine, parameters like injection pressure, speed, and clamp tonnage must be taken into account. Here are a few things to keep in mind when making your selection: clamp tonnage must be taken into account. Here are a few things to keep in mind when making your selection:

Injection Pressure: This refers to the force required to inject melted plastic into a mold cavity. It depends on both the viscosity of the plastic material and the size and shape of the cavity. Higher injection pressure may lead to better product quality but also increases defects.

Injection Speed: This refers to the rate at which plastic material is injected into a mold cavity. It depends on the size of the injection unit and desired filling time. A higher injection speed can result in improved production efficiency, but may also increase defects.

Clamp Tonnage: Clamp tonnage refers to the force necessary to hold a mold closed during injection molding. It depends on the size and shape of the mold as well as the material being used. Adequate clamp tonnage is essential for maintaining consistent product quality by avoiding defects.  

When setting parameter values for your product, take into account both technical specifications and raw materials used. For instance, certain plastic materials may need higher injection pressure to achieve the desired quality.

Maintaining accurate parameter values throughout the production process is essential for achieving optimal product quality and production efficiency. Regular upkeep and monitoring can help prevent deviations in parameter values, thus minimizing the risk of defects.

D. Other Factors to Consider

Physical fit and technical requirements of the machine

The injection machine should be physically suitable for the workspace and production needs

Technical requirements should be considered, such as compatibility with the plastic material being used

Power consumption and energy efficiency

Electric injection molding machine generally have lower power consumption than hydraulic machines

Hybrid machines offer a balance between energy consumption and performance

Availability of parts and technical support

Choose the right injection molding machine manufacturer that offers reliable technical support

Availability of parts and maintenance services should also be considered.

Production cost and return on investment

Consider the production cost and potential return on investment when choosing an injection molding machine

The right machine can lead to increased production efficiency and cost savings in the long run.


Selecting the ideal injection mold machine is critical for the success of plastic injection molding. By taking into account factors like machine size, type, process parameters, and other important details, manufacturers can guarantee optimal production efficiency and high-quality finished products. When selecting a machine it must meet both product-specific needs as well as plastics industry requirements while considering factors like power consumption, parts availability, and production cost. Doing this allows manufacturers to achieve the balance between performance and cost efficiency which then leads to more profitable operations overall.

What is Injection Moulding? – Definition, Types and Materials

Injection moulding is a manufacturing process that allows for parts to be produced in large volumes. It works by injecting molten materials into a mould (or ‘mold’ in the United States). It is typically used as a mass production process to manufacture thousands of identical items. Injection moulding materials include metals, glasses, elastomers and confections, although it is most commonly used with thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.

How does it Work?

The first stage of injection moulding is to create the mould itself. Most moulds are made from metal, usually aluminium or steel, and precision machined to match the features of the product they are to produce.

Once the mould has been created by the mould-maker, the material for the part is fed into a heated barrel and mixed using a helical shaped screw. Heating bands melt the material in the barrel and the molten metal or molten plastic material is then fed into the mould cavity where it cools and hardens, matching the shape of the mould. The cooling time can be reduced through the use of cooling lines that circulate water or oil from an external temperature controller. Mould tools are mounted on plate moulds (or ‘platens’), which open once the material has solidified so that ejector pins can eject the part from the mould.

Separate materials can be combined in one part in a type of injection moulding called a two-shot mould. This technique can be used to add a soft touch to plastic products, add colours to a part or produce items with different performance characteristics.

Moulds can be made of single or multiple cavities. Multiple cavity moulds can have identical parts in each cavity or can be unique to create parts of different geometries. Aluminium moulds are not best suited to high volume production or parts with narrow dimensional tolerances since they have inferior mechanical properties and can be prone to wear, deformation and damage due to the injection and clamping forces. While steel moulds are more durable they are also more expensive than aluminium moulds.

The injection moulding process requires careful design, including the shape and features of the part, the materials for the part and the mould and the properties of the moulding machine. As a result, there are various considerations that need to be taken into account when injection moulding.

Injection Moulding Considerations

There are a number of considerations to bear in mind before undertaking injection moulding:

1. Financial

The entry cost for injection moulding manufacture can be high – given the cost of the machinery and the moulds themselves.

2. Production Quantity

It is important to determine how many parts you wish to manufacture so as to decide whether injection moulding is the most cost-effective production method.

3. Design Factors

Minimising the number of parts and simplifying the geometry of your items will make injection moulding easier. In addition, the design of the mould tool is important to prevent defects during production.

4. Production Considerations

Minimising the cycle time will aid production as will using machines with hot runner moulds and well thought-out tooling. Such small changes and use of hot runner systems can equal production savings for your parts. There will also be cost savings from minimising assembly requirements, especially if you are producing many thousands of even millions of parts.

How Can I Reduce Mould Costs?

Injection moulding can be an expensive process, but there are several ways in which you can reduce mould costs, including:

Eliminate undercuts

Remove unnecessary features

Use a core cavity approach

Reduce cosmetic finishes

Design parts that self-mate

Modify and re-use existing moulds

Monitor DFM analysis

Use a multi cavity or family type of mould

Consider your part sizes

When is Injection Moulding Used?

Injection moulding is used to make a range of widely used products, including common plastic items like bottle tops as well as remote control casings, syringes and more. It is also commonly used for manufacturing larger items such as car body panels.

Injection moulding is mainly used where there is a need to manufacture many thousands or millions of identical parts from a mould.


There are many different injection moulding process variations, including:

Cube moulding

Die casting

Gas-assisted injection moulding

Liquid silicone rubber injection moulding

Metal injection moulding

Micro injection moulding

Reaction injection moulding

Thin-wall injection moulding

Materials Used

Injection moulding can be performed with a variety of different materials including metals, glass, elastomers, confections and, most commonly, thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.

Materials can be combined to deliver different properties and effects for the finished parts.


The main advantage of injection moulding is being able to scale up production to produce a large number of parts. Once the initial costs of the design and the moulds have been covered, the price of manufacturing is very low. The cost of production drops as more parts are produced.

Injection moulding also produces minimal wastage when compared to traditional manufacturing processes like CNC machining, which cuts away excess materials. Despite this, injection moulding does produce some waste, mainly from the sprue, the runners, the gate locations, and any overflow material that leaks out of the part cavity (also called ‘flash’).

The final advantage of injection moulding is that it allows for the production of many identical parts, which allows for part reliability and consistency in high volume production.


While injection moulding has its advantages, there are also a number of disadvantages with the process.

Up-front costs can be high for injection moulding, particularly with regard to tooling. Before you can produce any parts, a prototype part needs to be created. Once this has been completed, a prototype mould tool needs to be created and tested. This all takes time and money to complete and can be a costly process.

Injection moulding is also not ideal for producing large parts as a single piece. This is because of the size limitations of injection mould machines and the mould tools. Items that are too large for an injection moulding machine’s capability need to be created as multiple parts and joined together later.

The final disadvantage is that large undercuts require experienced design to avoid and can add even more expense to your project.


Injection moulding is used for a range of applications where a repeatable manufacturing process is required. This includes manufacturing items such as wire spools, packaging, bottle tops, toys, combs, musical instruments (and components), chairs, small tables, storage containers, mechanical parts, and automotive parts and components.

Injection moulding is the most common method for manufacturing plastic parts, particularly in high volumes.


Is Injection Moulding Environmentally Friendly?

Injection moulding is becoming more environmentally friendly as machinery becomes more efficient and materials such as thermosetting polymers are capable of withstanding extreme temperatures and conditions.

Although there is some material waste with injection moulding it is less than with many other manufacturing processes. Of course, the exact materials used also have a bearing on the environment in relation to how long they last, if they can come from recycled materials and how they are disposed of. There are also considerations around the carbon footprint of the lifetime of the products that are created, including during manufacture.

Advancements in modern injection moulding machinery mean that they now use between 20 and 50% less energy as compared to ten years ago.

Is Injection Moulding Cheap?

Moulding costs correlate with the number of cavities in a mould. Fewer cavities require less tooling work, which lowers the manufacturing costs to create an injection mould. The complexity of a part’s design also impact the cost, including factors such as surface finishing, tolerance, threads, detailing and the number of undercuts. Added details such as these will increase the cost, as they require more tooling.

The most cost-effective type of injection moulding is rubber injection moulding, which produces a high yield of durable products. In addition, consistent vulcanisation processes with precise temperature controls can lower costs by reducing waste material.

How much does Injection Moulding Cost?

Working out the exact cost of injection moulding can be done with the following formula:

Mould Price = material costs + design + process and profit + VAT + try out costs + packing and shipping costs.

Of these costs, materials and parts equal around 15-30% of the total and process and profit equal 30-50%.

Bearing these factors in mind, a small single cavity injection mould costs between $1,000 and $5,000. Larger or more complex moulds can cost $80,000 or more. However, on average, a typical mould costs around $12,000.

While the mould tools have a high cost, the actual injection moulding production has a relatively low cost.

What Plastics are used in Injection Moulding?

With over 85,000 commercial plastic material option available and 45 polymer families, there is a wealth of different plastics that can be used for injection moulding. Of these, the polymers can be broadly placed into two groups; thermosets and thermoplastics.

The most common types of plastic used are high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE). Polyethylene offers a number of advantages including high ductility levels, good tensile strength, strong impact resistance, resistance to moisture absorption, and recyclability.

Other commonly used injection moulded plastics include:

1. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)

This tough, impact-resistant plastic is widely used across industry. With good resistance to acids and bases, ABS also offers low shrinkage rates and high dimensional stability.

2. Polycarbonate (PC)

This strong, impact resistant plastic has low shrinkage and good dimensional stability. A transparent plastic that is available in different optically clear grades, PC can provide a high cosmetic finish and good heat resistance.

3. Aliphatic Polyamides (PPA)

There are many different types of PPA (or nylons), each of which has its own advantages. Generally-speaking, nylons offer high strength and temperature resistance as well as being chemically resistant, apart from against strong acids and bases. Some nylons are abrasion resistant and offer good hardness and stiffness with good impact strength.

4. Polyoxymethylene (POM)

Commonly known as acetal, this plastic has high hardness, stiffness, strength and toughness. It also has good lubricity and is resistant to hydrocarbons and organic solvents. Good elasticity and slipperiness also provide advantages for some applications.

5. Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA)

PMMA, also known as acrylic, provides good optical properties, high gloss and scratch resistance. It also offers low shrinkage and less sink for geometries with thin and think sections.

6. Polypropylene (PP)

This inexpensive resin material delivers high impact resistance in certain grades but can be brittle in cold temperatures (in the case of propylene homopolymer). Copolymers offer greater resistance to impact while PP is also wear-resistant, flexible and can provide very high elongation, as well as being resistant to acids and bases.

7. Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)

Good electrical properties makes PBT ideal for power components as well as automotive applications. The strength ranges from moderate to high depending on glass fill, with unfilled grades being tough and flexible. PBT also shows fuels, oils, fats and many solvents, and it also doesn’t absorb flavours.

8. Polyphenylsulfone (PPSU)

A dimensionally stable material with high toughness, temperature and heat resistance, PPSU is also resistant to radiation sterilisation, alkalis and weak acids.

9. Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK)

This high temperature, high-performance resin provides heat resistance and flame retardancy, excellent strength and dimensional stability, as well as good chemical resistance.

10. Polyetherimide (PEI)

PEI (or Ultem) offers high temperature resistance and flame retardancy, along with excellent strength, dimensional stability and chemical resistance.


Injection moulding has a great many applications for manufacturing, particularly for producing high volume parts. While the tooling and moulding can be expensive, the cost of production once this is completed is low. Providing the ability to produce near-identical parts, injection moulding is used for parts in a variety of material types.

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